Tuesday 18 December 2012

Understanding Media - Laws

Understanding Media - Laws

Copyright Law:

The Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 protects artists and other sorts from having their property stolen in a legal matter. This property includes: original literary, dramatic, musical or artistic works, sound recordings, films (or broadcasts)the typographical arrangement of published editions.
Pipa and Sopa Act
Pipa and Sopa Act is a copyright law which stops piracy
Including torrenting, uploading video gameplays onto such sites as youtube and dailymotion, streaming and downloading videos, games and even programs
Software bundle for £1,794.57
Apple and Samsung Lawsuit
iPad vs samsung galaxy tablet
v Basically thinking the design is identical
v Ipad =  £344
v Tablet = £228


Obscenity Law:

The following is prohibited:

- Possession with intent to sell, and sale, of obscene matter on Federal property
- Mailing obscene or crime-inciting matter
- Importation or transportation of obscene matters
- Mailing indecent matter on wrappers or envelopes
- Broadcasting obscene language
- Transportation of obscene matters for sale or distribution
- Engaging in the business of selling or transferring obscene matter
- Obscene visual representations of the sexual abuse of children
- Criminal forfeiture
- Distributing obscene material by cable or subscription television
- Presumptions
- Transfer of obscene material to minors

Misleading domain names on the Internet
Misleading words or digital images on the Internet

The Obscene Publications Act of 1959 is chopped into five sections which cover the terms and conditions of the obscenity law.

Privacy Law:

The earliest definition of privacy in England law was given by Judge Cooley who defined privacy as "the right to be left alone".  The Privacy Act includes:

Data protection act. One of the principles states that “Personal data shall be obtained only for one or more specified lawful purposes, and shall not be further processed in any manner incompatible with that purpose or purposes.”

Privacy Act of 1974 in the US which says “No agency shall disclose any record which is contained in a system of records by any means of communication.
Examples of broken Privacy Laws:

Phone hacking scandle

Kate Middleton topless photos

Tulisa sex tape

Kate Middleton hospital prank call

Prince Harry in vegas

Broadcasting Act:

The British Broadcasting Act can be affective to both TV and Radio, this was created to change the structure and the ownership of television and radio broadcasting. This meant that the TV or Radio companies became the broadcasters instead of the regulators. However many people and groups are against this act as there is alot of controversy around it.

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