Tuesday 29 January 2013

Leveson Report

Leveson Report

The Leveson Inquiry is a public inquiry about the British Press, this inquiry protects peoples privacy, for example it attempts to stop things such as phone hacking and posting private images without permission from the person or party involved.

Charlotte Church:

Miss Church was one of Leveson's most high-profile witnesses and told the inquiry into media standards that she was pressured into waiving a £100,000 fee to sing at Rupert Murdoch's wedding in exchange for a promise of a 'good press'.

The news of the world also printed about Charlotte Chruches' father having an affair which claimed to have ruined her family and lead to her mothers overdose.

Heather Mills:

Heather Mills told the Leveson Inquiry about an incident in 2001 after she returned from a holiday in India.

She said after a row he left her 25 voicemail messages, including a "ditty", begging forgiveness.

Ms Mills said another journalist later told her he knew there had been problems and mentioned the song.

Madeleine McCann:

Gerry McCann told the Leveson Inquiry many of the stories were untruthful, sinister or, he believed, made up.

His wife, Kate, said seeing her private diary published in the News of the World made her feel "totally violated".


Thursday 17 January 2013

Persistence of Vision

Persistence of Vision

The persistence of vision is a series of images collated together to create the belief that an object is moving, this is created through a series of images being taking very closely together with little movement between each shot. This is also known as the perception of vision.

The discovery of persistence of vision is attributed to the Roman poet Lucretius, although he only mentions it in connection with images seen in a dream. In the modern era, some stroboscopic experiments performed by Peter Mark Roget in 1824 were also cited as the basis for the theory.

The above GIF of a horse is a collation of 12 images per second to create the effect of a moving horse. Other examples of the persistence of vision can include a flip-book.